Opening Doors to Business through Translation

By Atlas LS

The size or type of your business that you run doesn’t have to put any limitations on your growth. Small businesses, just like larger ones, can open new doors and experience expansion. This often requires thinking outside-the-box especially when it comes to acquiring different clients or audiences. Translation is definitely an industry that requires another … Continued

Get Your Remote Interpreter

By Atlas LS

Reaching the World The world is more connected now than it ever has been. Thanks to the advances of modern technology, we can travel the world and see foreign lands within a relatively short period of time. We are able to meet people who we may have never been able to meet with before, and … Continued

Businesses Standing Out by Offering Language Inclusion

By Atlas LS

Objectives change each year for businesses that are trying to compete globally, which is why flexibility is important. One of the most effective ways to attract clientele from around the world is to offer language inclusion. Although English may be the most popular language, it is not spoken and understood by everyone. Businesses stand out … Continued

Positive Impacts that Language Focuses Have on Business

By Atlas LS

It doesn’t really matter what type of business or company you are running currently. Those that conduct operations with a global reach have to focus on the importance of language. Translation services are essential things to invest in when you want to reach clients in different countries. These play a role in how products are … Continued

The Importance of Translation in Business Communications

By Atlas LS

There are many different types of businesses and organizations that operate around the globe these days. These are essential entities to communities that represent specific fields and industries. Communicating thoroughly is critical to all of these areas and cannot be done effectively when language barriers exist. This is why having good means of understanding each … Continued

Several Important Tips for Language Translators

By Atlas LS

Translating words from one language to another is not always simple and straightforward. The words have to change without affecting the meaning. There are some words that are difficult to find counterparts for. Here are a handful of important tips to help with your translations. Maintain Good Grammar and Spelling Skills When you’re working with … Continued

The Consequences of Incorrect Legal Translations

By Atlas LS

Translating a legal document comes with many special requirements. An incorrect legal translation causes all kinds of problems for lawyers and their clients. When you do the work incorrectly, it needs to be done all over again, and you lose profits. Here are a few consequences of making inaccurate translations on legal documents. Getting Off … Continued

Spark More Interest in Annual Conferences

By Atlas LS

Virtually every industry has some sort of annual conference that is connected to different fields, products, and advancements. Although these may be mandatory for some employees, they may not be enjoyable for everyone. One thing that can be discouraging to attendees is not being able to fully understand presenters because of language barriers. Political events, … Continued

4 Beneficial Types Of Translation Services To Suit Different Situations

By Atlas LS

Hello, bonjour, hola, zdravstvuyte, guten, and konnichiwa are only to mention a few of the many ways to say hello. While basic greetings may seem like a cinch, full conversations between all the different types of languages in the world can get challenging. So, we try to find ways to either quickly learn a language … Continued

Surprising Number of Globalized Industries Need More Translators

By Atlas LS

There’s an expression in Silicon Valley that data is the new gold. That maxim certainly seems to hold in the translation industry insofar as dozens of different business sectors are becoming more digitized and in need of timely translation services. Finance Translators The finance sector has a growing need for translators. Because the world of … Continued