Advancements in Remote Communication Accessibility

By Atlas LS

Remote meetings have become the new normal. Offices are leaving their board rooms behind, conventions and trade shows are converting to online events, and even church services are readily available from the comfort of a person’s living room. For some, this change comes with a sense of loss. For others, remote conferences open the doors for many that hardship left behind.

Remote Communication - Virtual Meeting

Connected Anywhere

Commuters have long felt the burden of long hour drives to the office. And even for people who aren’t stuck in gridlock on the L.A. Expressway, injuries and chronic illness bar many from leaving their homes. That doctor’s offices and therapeutic services are offering more options for remote visits means that healthcare is losing its distance barrier. And as technology continues to improve, more life-changing opportunities become available.

Skeptics may doubt that telehealth could ever be on par with in-person visits, but satisfaction surveys speak for themselves. 81.9% of 420 people from Cleveland Clinic Health System praised virtual visits for being just as good as in-office appointments. By stamping out accessibility difficulties with remote communication, those remarkable numbers will only rise.

Ease of Use

Remote communication is no longer restricted to the tech savvy. Research, such as the 2019 Healthcare study Technology to Support Aging in Place: Older Adults’ Perspectives, asked seniors what technology works for them. Instead of forcing users to fit a mold, advancements that fit everyone’s needs are the new standard.


Living in a global society means that borders aren’t blocking thoughts and ideas. Linguistic differences often restrict community interaction, but that’s changing. Conference translation services help to bridge the gap.

Barrier-free Communication

With the help of Remote Simultaneous Interpretation — RSI for short — conferences, legal services, webinars, and other online events are accessible to those who communicate with different languages. We need not place limitations on teleconferences when these services are freely available to an individual and their personal needs.

Future Advancements

On the current trajectory, communication technology will continue to bring more people into conversations that were once thought to be restricted. Briefings on the current state of digital access for students push universities to offer not only more online classes but greater accessibility options. As more people with unique needs gain access to higher education, the tech will continue to be tailored to pave the way for new types of learners.

It’s understandable that the switch to remove events and gatherings has left many people frustrated. While technological advancements will never fully replace in-person contact, with technology such as conference interpretation, our new online world allows everyone the chance to communicate.