4 Reasons Your Business Needs a Professional Interpreter

By Atlas LS

Many businesses may not think they need translators to communicate with their clients, but the reality is that not everyone in the world speaks English, and in a world that’s becoming increasingly diverse, it’s important for global companies to remember the importance of using professional interpreters and translators to communicate with other businesses and clients who may not speak English as a first language. Here are four reasons why your global business may need a professional interpreter.

Reasons Your Business Needs a Professional Interpreter

1. People Prefer Their Native Language

People respond more positively when they’re spoken to with the language they grew up speaking. This is especially important when selling to people. It’s not enough to speak a language they understand – your sale is likely to be more successful if you speak to your customer in their native language.

2. Translation Connects the Global Economy

In 2014, translation services were booming, and they continue to be an important part of global business relations. Many businesses around the world continue to expand overseas, making translation services an important component of the success of these businesses.

3. Emerging Markets Could Lead to Emerging Languages

While English may be the most popular language spoken now, it doesn’t mean it will stay that way forever. Other languages are growing in importance as many developing countries grow their economies.

4. Translation Spreads Ideas and Information

Translation allows information and ideas to be spread across cultures and countries. In many cases, translation changes history. Consider the following anecdotes:

  • Arabic translators kept the ideas of ancient Greek philosophers alive during the Middle Ages
  • The Bible has been translated into at least 531 languages.
  • Helps sports teams overcome language barriers

For instance, when a professional baseball player is signed to an American team from another country such as Japan, the team often hires a professional translator to assist with communicating with other team members and the media.

If you’re a business owner with increasingly more global contacts, consider using professional interpreters to help you facilitate positive, ongoing communication with clients.