Certified Translation Services: What You Need to Know

By Atlas LS

The growing connectedness of our world creates an increased demand for certified translation services. Whether for immigration, legal proceedings, or academic purposes, ensuring that your documents are translated accurately and professionally is crucial.

Let’s explore what certified translation services are, why they matter, and how to get the most reliable translations.

What Are Certified Translation Services?

A certified translation involves converting a document from one language to another with a signed statement by the translator attesting to the accuracy of the translation. These services are often required for official use, such as applications to USCIS (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services), court cases, or university admissions. The translated document has a certification proving that it is a word-for-word translation of the original and that the translator is qualified to do the job. certified translation services

When Do You Need a Certified Translation?

You’ll often require a certified translation in cases where the recipient organization needs to ensure that the translation is accurate and trustworthy. Some common situations where you might need one include:

  • Immigration Documents: Applying for a visa or permanent residency requires translating birth certificates, marriage licenses, and other legal documents for USCIS acceptance.
  • Legal Proceedings: Courts demand certified document translation services for legal contracts, affidavits, or other formal records.
  • Academic Purposes: Educational institutions often require transcripts or diplomas translated by a certified translator.
  • Business Transactions: In certain industries, official business documents such as contracts or financial reports must be certified for cross-border operations.

What Makes a Translation ‘Certified’?

For a translation to be considered “certified,” it must meet specific criteria. First, the translator or translation company must be qualified and capable of delivering high-quality translations. Secondly, the translation must come with a signed certification. This statement attests that the translation is complete and accurate and that the translator has the necessary credentials.

Additionally, if your document is being submitted to USCIS or another government agency, it’s important to ensure the translation adheres to their strict requirements. Some documents might also need notarization, which involves an additional step to verify the translator’s signature.

Choosing the Right Translation Service

When it comes to selecting a translation service, Atlas Language Services, Inc. stands out as the go-to provider for businesses and individuals alike. Here are a few reasons why Atlas should be your top choice:

  • ATA-Certified Translators: Atlas Language Services employs translators who are certified by the American Translators Association (ATA), ensuring a high standard of professionalism and accuracy in every project.
  • Fast Turnaround: Atlas offers flexible turnaround options, including expedited services for urgent documents. Whether you need translations within 24 hours or a few days, they ensure timely delivery without compromising quality.
  • Wide Language Coverage: Atlas covers a broad range of languages, including but not limited to Spanish, French, Mandarin, and many more, making them ideal for diverse translation needs.
  • Transparent Pricing Structure: Atlas provides a clear and competitive pricing model, whether charging per page or by word count, ensuring that you understand the cost upfront without hidden fees.
  • Notarization Services: For documents requiring notarization, Atlas can provide this added service, saving you both time and effort by streamlining the process.

How to Certify a Translation

To certify a translation, the translator or translation company will typically follow these steps:

  1. Translate the Document: The translation is done word-for-word, ensuring no details are lost.
  2. Sign a Certification Statement: The translator will sign a statement confirming the accuracy of the translation and that they are qualified.
  3. Notarization (if needed): In cases where an additional level of verification is required, the certification may need to be notarized.

Atlas Language Services, Inc. offers a streamlined process for getting your documents certified and notarized in one go.

Documents That Commonly Require Certified Translation

Some of the most frequently translated documents for official purposes include:

  • Birth Certificates
  • Marriage Certificates
  • Diplomas and Transcripts
  • Legal Contracts
  • Business Agreements
  • Immigration Forms

In these cases, accuracy and certification are critical, as even small errors can lead to delays or rejections from USCIS or other official bodies.

Ensuring Accuracy and Reliability

Accuracy isn’t optional when it comes to translations for official purposes—it’s mandatory. A professional human translator, rather than automated tools, ensures that cultural nuances, legal terminology, and specific phrases are interpreted correctly. This is especially true for legal and immigration documents, where any mistake could lead to a rejection or other serious complications.

Working with an established translation agency ensures that your document translation services meet all necessary standards. Reliable agencies also offer multiple rounds of reviews to ensure the final translation is flawless.

Why Use Certified Translation Services for USCIS?

Immigration is one of the most common reasons people seek certified translations. USCIS-certified translations are specifically formatted to meet government standards. Failing to meet these criteria can lead to delays in visa applications or even denials. Make sure the translation company you choose has experience handling USCIS submissions to avoid these problems.

Final Thoughts

Certified translation services are essential when you need documents translated for official purposes. Don’t risk delays or rejections by using a low-quality service. Instead, choose a professional team, like Atlas Language Services, Inc., that guarantees accuracy, reliability, and fast turnaround. Whether you’re applying for a visa, submitting documents to USCIS, or dealing with legal matters, getting your documents translated correctly the first time can save you significant time and stress.

Ready to get your documents translated and certified? Contact Atlas Language Services, Inc. today for fast, accurate, and professional translation services that meet all your needs.


What is the difference between certified and notarized translation?
A certified translation from Atlas Language Services, Inc. includes a signed statement verifying the accuracy of the translation. For documents that require an additional level of verification, Atlas offers notarized translations, where the translator’s certification is notarized by a public notary.

How long does it take to get a certified translation?
Turnaround times at Atlas Language Services, Inc. depend on the document’s length and complexity. For urgent requests, Atlas offers expedited options, including 24-hour delivery when needed.

Will USCIS accept my certified translation?
Yes, Atlas Language Services, Inc. provides certified translations that meet USCIS requirements, including a statement of accuracy and proof of the translator’s qualifications.

How much does a certified translation cost?
Atlas Language Services, Inc. offers competitive pricing based on the type of document and its word count. Costs may vary depending on additional requirements such as notarization or expedited delivery, but Atlas ensures transparency with no hidden fees.